The condition of a man's ejaculation is an important indicator of the health of his genitourinary system. Such secretions consist of the urethra, the secretion of sebaceous glands in the upper part of the penis and pathological secretion.
To determine the nature and cause of ejaculation, it is important for a man to know which manifestations are normal and which signal the onset of the disease.
Types of secretion
The fluid on the head of the penis begins to appear during adolescence and is a sign that the body is maturing and preparing to reproduce.
In men, even in absolute health, drops of fluid from the urethra can be seen in the penis from time to time. Its quantity and volume vary individually, but only slightly. This odorless liquid is most common after waking up in the morning and going to the bathroom. Changes in volume are due to hormonal fluctuations, health status and past illnesses, use of certain medications, and other causes.

Incomplete glandular secretion may be a variant of the norm and in no way affect a man's sexual health. Rarely, extreme dryness is a concern during sex, but this problem is easily solved by using special products and lubricants.
There are four types of physiological discharge from the urethra.
Libidinous urethra
It is a colorless secretion seen through the ducts of the urethral glands at the head of the penis. There are two of these glands in the penis, which are located at the base of the cavernous bodies and are called bulbouretral or copper glands.
The appearance of a clear liquid occurs against the background of arousal or erection, which occurs in the morning when blood testosterone reaches maximum values. In men, the frequency of such secretions during arousal varies, usually depending on the duration of abstinence, the degree of arousal and individual physiological characteristics.
During an erection, such mucus acts as a lubricant for the urogenital tract, through which sperm pass easily and at the required speed. Because this secretion contains only sperm, contact with a woman's genitals can lead to pregnancy.
Defecation prostorrhea
During defecation, the muscles of the abdomen and abdominal cavity become tense, which provokes the appearance of mucus, sometimes with white-gray streaks on the head. Such viscous mucus is odorless and contains both the secretion of the prostate and the seminal glands.
The same fluid can be excreted after urination, which is called mikturator prostorrhea, and after severe coughing attacks accompanied by a sharp tension in the muscles of the press.
Experts do not consider defecation prostatorea a disease, but distinguish it as a possible sign of the latent phase of prostatitis.
The secret of the preputial glands is called smegma. Resembles white oil of thick consistency immediately after insulation. After the formation of smegma, it is placed under the foreskin. Preputial lubrication contains fat and bacterial elements. Its function is to reduce the friction of the penis on the foreskin. Its maximum amount is typical for adolescence.
If the smegma is not washed thoroughly from time to time, then it begins to disintegrate, acquires a pungent odor and becomes more green. All this leads to the onset of a pathological process due to the proliferation of microbes, which will lead to inflammation.
Ejaculation contains large amounts of seminal fluid and sperm. During adolescence, spermatorrhea is possible without sexual intercourse, sometimes during sleep. If the same pattern persists after puberty, it may be a sign of a violation of vas deferens tone due to inflammation or brain tumors.
Urethral discharge also occurs due to various dysfunctions of the reproductive or urinary system.
Factors such as:
- Mechanic. They occur after damage to the urethra during sampling using special instruments inserted into the lumen of the urethra (ureteroscopy, cystoscopy, etc. ).
- contagious. It is the result of the presence and development of microbial pathogens. These germs can be bacteria, fungi or viruses.
- Chemical. They occur as a result of the use of certain drugs and medications that can be used to treat the genitourinary system or other systems. It often occurs as a result of treatment of the urethra with medicinal solutions.
Sometimes the cause is an allergic reaction of the body to environmental factors or to the detergents and personal care products used.
The substance that comes out of the urethra can be mucus, fluid, bacteria, or fungus and pus. Color, transparency, consistency, odor, and volume indicate the intensity and stage of the process. All these parameters can change at different stages with the same disease.
It is classified as follows:
- Hematoreya. It is characterized by blood inflows. Both injuries and arterial hypertension can be caused by tumors in the penis or prostate gland.
- Leukocyte urethra. Inflammation occurs during the release of accumulated contents. The color, odor, and duration of the exudate outlet indicate the degree of damage to the epithelium of the urethra.
- Mucopurulent masses. Keep leukocyte cells, urethral mucus and serous fluid. Externally, it looks like a white transparent mucus. Chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, etc. is a possible sign of urethritis.
- Pus. There are many leukocytes and epithelial fragments. It is the thickest in the sequence, yellow or greenish in color. Often accompanied by burning during urination. It occurs with gonorrhea, gonococcal urethritis or chlamydia.
White discharge
If there is a white, flaky, or cheesey discharge with a sour odor on the head of the penis, it indicates candidiasis. It is less common in men than in women, and its appearance means that the immune system is in a state of depression. This happens after a course of strong antibiotics or chemotherapy.
If the fluid also has foamy inclusions, then we can conclude that trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, or mycoplasmosis are very often transmitted during unprotected contact.
Another disease that can cause the appearance of white mucus is chronic prostatitis. This symptom is usually accompanied by a decrease in potency and difficulty urinating.
Transparent points
The main causes of such secretion: chlamydia or chronic ureaplasmosis. With these diseases, this may be the only symptom that indicates the presence of a pathological process. The appearance of clear mucus does not always occur, but if the man has not gone to the toilet for a long time. As the process progresses, the color changes from transparent to greenish as the amount of dead leukocytes in the fluid increases.
Clear mucus is characteristic of the initial stage of gonorrhea. With this disease, the mucus is very viscous, released in large quantities day and night.
Yellow or green discharge
Yellow or greenish color - a clear sign of the presence of pus, consisting of cells of lymphocytes, the mucous membrane of the urethra and fragments of the epithelium of the urethra. This picture is typical for many venereal diseases.
With gonorrhea, the consistency of the mucus is very thick, there is a sharp putrid odor, and the process of urination is painful. Another disease in which discharge turns yellow is trichomoniasis. Often there are no symptoms anymore. In very rare cases, this infection is often accompanied by urination and itching in the perineum.
Discharge with a strong odor
Often such a symptom occurs against the background of indifference to the rules of hygiene. Because the male genital area is constantly hot and humid, germs multiply rapidly there. Their waste causes an extremely unpleasant odor. To prevent such a phenomenon, it is necessary to wash the penis thoroughly every day, removing the foreskin.
An unpleasant odor can also develop during metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus or infectious diseases. There is a sour smell with the liver, and with gardnerellosis there is a clear fishy smell. Inflammation of the inner part of the skin of the head of the penis and the foreskin also causes a special pungent odor.
Bloody issues
Often the blood comes out with the contents of the urethra due to infectious inflammation. The appearance of such a symptom is possible with candidiasis, gonorrhea, trichomonas urethritis. The greater the amount of sputum and the more blood it contains, the more intense the process.
Small streaks of blood indicate that the process has become chronic with significant loosening of the epithelium of the mucous membrane, which causes irritation each time it flows out of the urethra.
Also, when taking material for cystoscopy or bacteriological analysis, bleeding may occur after traumatic insertion or removal of a catheter from the urethra.
During the passage of sand and stones through the kidneys, the discharge may acquire a pink, red or brown color due to damage to the walls of blood vessels. In such cases, severe pain is seen with the flow of urine, localized in the lower pelvis or lower back.
Blood in the ejaculate is also present in the later stages of oncological tumors of the ovaries, genital cancers, adenomas and testicles. Bleeding in this condition is characterized by a brown or brown color with blood clots.
Independent treatment is strictly prohibited, even if the patient appears to be clearly diagnosed. Many diseases of the reproductive and urinary systems have similar symptoms, and the complications they can cause can lead to infertility, loss of potential, and other serious consequences for a man's health.
Where to apply for diagnosis
Diseases characterized by pathological discharge from the urethra are diagnosed and treated by such specialists:
- dermatovenerologist;
- urologist;
- venereologist;
- nephrologist.
At the initial consultation with a specialist, the patient should be prepared to answer the following questions:
- amount of allocations;
- shadow and blur;
- impurities (blood, flakes, pus and clots);
- consistency (liquid, glue);
- smell (fish, sour, no);
- dependence of the manifestation of the symptom on the time of day;
- whether it is associated with urinary excretion, spicy food, alcohol intake and erection).

After listening to the complaints, the doctor will examine the urethra, genitals, perineum and groin to watch for external inflammation, rashes and signs of injury.
With palpation of the lymph nodes in the abdomen, the doctor will assess the temperature of the skin. Fever is an obvious sign of inflammation. In addition, palpation pays attention to painful sensations, tissue density and the presence of ulcers.
The specialist will perform a digital examination of the prostate. It consists of an examination of the rectal cavity. At the same time, if fluid separates from the urethra, it is sent for examination under a microscope. Palpation of the prostate may reveal internal tumor neoplasms and adenomas.
Additional diagnostics are often performed according to the following algorithm:
- general clinical tests of urine and blood;
- ointment for the analysis of the contents of the urethra;
- blood sugar test;
- Ultrasound of internal genital and urinary organs;
- urography.
With very severe genital inflammation, the doctor prescribes antibiotic therapy using a wide range of agents, without waiting for immediate test results.
If the stain is significant in size, the patient is advised to go to the hospital. If cancer is suspected, the diagnosis is made histologically based on the results of the biopsy.
Seeking timely medical care should be a prerequisite for all men who want to maintain their sexual health and youth for many years, because early diagnosis guarantees the fastest possible recovery from the disease and the absence of complications.